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How to Entertain Kids in an Airplane

Mother and child looking out of an airplane window

The mere thought of being trapped within the confines of an airplane for hours with your screaming and tantrum throwing child is enough to force the avid traveler in you to cancel all travel plans. However, we still come across those cool and savvy parents who deal with their kids without breaking a sweat. To help you look like those super cool mom and dads, Vine Vera came up with a few ideas that should allow you and those around you stay sane on the plane.

Mother and son looking at an airplane.

Never Board Early
The ideal thing to do while traveling with kids is to get your seats assigned as early as possible. Make sure that you have a window seat, and try to avoid boarding until the very end. Those pre-boarding privileges that many airlines tend to offer can be very tempting, but if you’re traveling with kids, you’d simply be adding an extra 30 minutes to an already long flight. And there’s nothing worse than a kid who is already tired of the airplane before it takes off.

Child drinking a drink in an airplane.

Carry Drinks for Takeoff and Landing
It makes sense to carry drinks that your kids can sip on during takeoff and landing. This helps to divert their attention from air pressure, which tends to affect kids much more than adults.

Carry Coloring Pages 
Surprise your child with coloring pages of his or her favorite cartoon characters. These pages can be found all over the net and can be easily printed for travel. Coloring itself is a great option, as long as your child colors on the paper provided. To prevent embarrassment and nasty side glances, always carry washable pens and things like Crayola colors that can be removed using wipes.

Child playing in an airplane.

Introduce Different Entertainment Options Slowly
Nothing can be worse than having your kid blaze through all those carefully planned entertainment activities mid-way through the flight. Tell your child that he/ she can take a new activity every 30 minutes and wrap each activity with a crepe paper, which makes the process of getting to a new activity another activity on its own.

Carry a Deck of Cards
Having a pack of Uno is a must while traveling with a kid. There are all sorts of Uno games to choose from, with the standard version being the idle way to pass time. Besides, where else would you be willing to play 30 consecutive Uno games with your kid!

Child eating in an airplane.

Choose Snacks that Take Time to Eat
Eating is one of the best ways of keeping your kids entertained on a long haul flight. Everyone recommends you to carry some snacks along, but make sure that you carry snacks that don’t disappear within a few seconds. Your kids usually take ages to eat those tiny things such as raisins, tidbits and string cheese, and now is the perfect time to take advantage of that. Remember, the more time they take with their food, the less you have to worry about in-flight entertainment.

Bring Play-Doh
A small tub of play-doh has become a staple for moms traveling with their kids. It can be divided among multiple children and it doesn’t make a mess either. Better yet, it keeps those tiny hands busy and there are so many games you can play using play-doh. Studies have also shown that children tend to be occupied for longer than 40 minutes when introduced to play-doh on a plane. That’s 40 minutes of some much-needed peace!

Child watching a video in an airplane.

Videos are a Must
You can discipline them at home all you want, but an airplane is a place where you must embrace videos. Just make sure that you have enough age-appropriate shows and comfortable headphones to keep them entertained for hours.

Carry an Emergency Tantrum Kit
Having something to fall back on as a last resort is a must. Pack your child’s favorite treat – things like lollipops, tic-tacs or whatever else helps them settle down – and use it when you feel like things are going out of hand. If you planned the other activities mentioned on this list properly, this bag should remain untouched. Sure you don’t wish to reward bad behavior, but it is much better than irritating co-passengers and suffering public humiliation.

Note that many things on this list are geared towards younger children, for once your kids grow up, they would want to do their own things while in an airplane.