See the Best of Canada Aboard the Canadian
On the bucket list of many is taking an extended train trip and seeing the beauty of the outdoors for miles where you don’t have to worry about driving. It’s an opportunity for a trip of a lifetime, and if you desire to see Canada in that fashion, then taking the Canadian, offered by Via Rail Canada, may just be right for you. It’s a chance to reconnect with yourself, meet new people, and experience all the vast beauty Canada has to offer. Let’s talk a little more about what you should know about taking a trip aboard the Canadian cross country passenger train.
The Basics
So before you shell out your hard-earned money, you’re obviously going to want to learn the basics about the 4-night, 3-day journey. The Canadian runs between Toronto and Vancouver with cities en route—in addition to the two aforementioned—being Winnipeg, Edmonton, and Jasper. From one end to the other, it’s a whopping 2,775-miles filled with breathtaking scenery that’s easy to appreciate via the huge windows. It’s possible to check your bag or you can bring a carry-on. Prices range depending on which class ticket you get, which leads us to…
There are Three Classes of Tickets Available
Three classes of tickets are available aboard the Canadian: Economy Class, Sleeper Plus Class, and Prestige Class going in order of least to most expensive. There is a handy comparison sheet available on the Via Rail Canada site that breaks down what you can get with each option. Before booking your ticket, review each option carefully to decide which is best for you.
Food and Dining
If you’re going to be on the Canadian for several days, food is obviously going to be a big thing. There’s talk about the spectacular food, and you can also bring dry foods if you so desire. You can purchase food, snacks, and drinks on board, as well. If you choose the Sleeper Plus or Prestige ticket, all meals are included. For more information about the food you can and cannot bring aboard, please read here.
You’re Going to Have to Electronically Disconnect
Think about how many times a day you talk on the phone, send a text, check your email, or peruse through one of the many social networking sites. It can be stressful and overwhelming, but aboard the Canadian, that’s not an issue you have to worry about as there is no Wi-Fi available. Additionally, there are going to be blocks of time where you won’t be able to get cell service. Food is served in the dining car, so in a world where our cell phones and electronic devices are almost always in front of our face, you can disconnect from your gadgets and connect with those around you instead.
One thing to note about traveling on the Canadian is that—especially considering how far the trip is—you should expect delays. There is a set schedule, but there are factors one just can’t predict, so it’s better to take precautions just in case. Don’t forget to plan for plenty of picture taking.
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