Sailing Across San Diego Bay
Located in San Diego County in California, San Diego Bay is a scenic body of water that is 18.75-square-miles. Sailing across the bay can be quite the experience, and it’s a wonderful way to get out on the water, enjoy the sights and sounds, and spend some time in the sunshine. So how exactly do you go about it? The following are some ways that you can do so even if you don’t have a boat of your own.
Public Sightseeing Tour
Public sightseeing tours of San Diego Bay usually leave at specific times and have set prices per adult and child. While you can go by yourself, you can also bring some loved ones along, and it’s an opportunity to meet others who are looking forward to touring the bay as much as you are. Additionally, thanks to the narration of the tour, you’ll be able to learn some interesting information about the bay that you may otherwise not have known had you gone out by yourself.
Private Tour
If you’d rather not tour with a bunch of people you don’t know, then a private tour of San Diego Bay may be the right option for you. There’s typically a maximum amount of guests but not usually a minimum for how many you can do the tour with, and you may be able to choose the time at which you depart. It’s a good chance to sit back and relax as you tour the bay with some of your favorite people.
Want to do a little fishing in San Diego Bay? You can find a variety of fish including bass and halibut. There are several public fishing piers, but you won’t need to pay any fees. However, you will need a California Sport Fishing License which you’ll need to be at least 16-years-old to get. Before you head over to do some fishing in San Diego Bay, make sure you get the license first.
Dinner Tour
Imagine partaking in a wonderful dinner cruise that makes its way through the San Diego Bay and gives you incredible views of the skyline at night. You’ll be able to have delicious food, have some good drinks, listen to great music, and dance the night away. It’s an option for a date, a celebration of an anniversary or other special occasion, or just an excuse to go out and do something different with family or friends.
Before you’re planning on booking any type of tour of San Diego Bay, make sure you do your research and check out the company. Read through the recent reviews to get an idea of how reputable they are, and don’t forget to read the fine print to find out what happens if you have to cancel or in the case of inclement weather. Speaking of which, before you step out of the house that day, don’t forget to check the weather report so you can be prepared for any type of weather that comes your way.
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